Our samurai chess set makes reference to ancient Japanese military tradition. Creating the pieces of which it is comprised required the master craftsmen of Olmart House to study deeply the characteristics of Japanese military art, including its weapons and uniforms, paying close attention to each detail.
Our chess pieces are made of mammoth ivory and encrusted with gold, black and white diamonds, mother-of-pearl, and ebony. The black figures are darkened via processes of firing and toning.
It took Olmart House two years to realize our ambition of creating this 32-figure set, the height of whose constituent characters varies from ten to eighteen centimeters. The production of the set was preceded by a long and meticulous process in which hundreds of kilograms of first-grade untreated mammoth ivory were studied in minute detail in order to select the pieces that would allow us to achieve utmost color uniformity across the whole set of chess pieces.
The composition of the chessboard table upon which these unique pieces rest is created by our designers especially for this chess set. Its creation brings together various valuable tree species, as well as mammoth ivory, with authorial marquetry techniques.