
Necklace and earings «Beautiful time»


Dear customer,

Should you have any questions about our company, the work presented on our website, or delivery options, or if you’d like to make a bespoke order, please write to us via the the "message" field, leaving your email, and we’ll be in touch shortly. To find out the price of a particular piece, please send us a request directly from the page of the artwork in question.

Olmart House Ltd, Reg.Nr. 1741425, 30.10.2012, P. O. Box 71, Craigmuir Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.


At Olmart House, our jewelers’ relentless perfectionism and dedication to their craft leads them to exclude from their work any material or technique that may not reasonably be regarded as achieving perfection. Loyalty to artistic principles and respect for their customers is at the heart of all that they do.

The quality of materials used and the level of professionalism demanded in the manufacture of our jewelery meet the very highest standards. In their work, our master craftspeople draw on experience they have accumulated over many years, while deploying all the latest technologies available today.

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  • Necklace and earings «Beautiful time»

    Necklace and earings «Beautiful time»

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