
Bulldog in the Armchair

Dear customer,

This item has already been sold and cannot be reproduced. Most of the works of Olmart House are made in an edition of one, as stipulated by the company’s policy and as a result of the uniqueness of the materials used. We do, however, offer the option of custom-ordering a similar piece, to be created in accordance with the specifications you set out. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your wishes. We may also be able to recommend an existing work to fit your requirements.


Dear customer,

Should you have any questions about our company, the work presented on our website, or delivery options, or if you’d like to make a bespoke order, please write to us via the the "message" field, leaving your email, and we’ll be in touch shortly. To find out the price of a particular piece, please send us a request directly from the page of the artwork in question.

Olmart House Ltd, Reg.Nr. 1741425, 30.10.2012, P. O. Box 71, Craigmuir Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.


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